Hey, I’m Alex Noble

I'm a Software Engineer from the United Kingdom. I'm passionate about Software, Gaming and Cycling.

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Add blog post reading time into your Jeykll static site, with no addons!

Add blog post reading time into your Jeykll static site, with no addons!

Integrating a reading time estimator into your Jekyll blog can significantly enhance the reader's experience by providing a quick insight into the length of the article. This feature is especially useful for readers deciding which articles to read based on their available time.

Creating a forum with React and Appwrite – Part 3

Creating a forum with React and Appwrite – Part 3

In this multi-part series, we will be creating a fully functional forum that will cover many of Appwrite’s features.

Creating a forum with React and Appwrite – Part 2

Creating a forum with React and Appwrite – Part 2

In this multi-part series, we will be creating a fully functional forum that will cover many of Appwrite’s features.

Creating a forum with React and Appwrite – Part 1

Creating a forum with React and Appwrite – Part 1

In this multi-part series, we will be creating a fully functional forum that will cover many of Appwrite’s features.